Below are some analogue paper collages, A4 size. Belonging to the series of Time Collages.
I had to kind of reinvent my life after an extremely hard time period. I looked back and decided what was going to come with me and what was going to be left behind in my new life. After what seemed like a long sleep, I had to take the first step. And then the next. Step by step by step...
The FIRST STEP art work contains photographs, video, monotypes and paintings with collage of various materials. The project is not exhibited yet.
Stills from video PART OF ME - FIRST STEP.
Jeg drømmer jeg trækker enden af en tynd tråd gennem vildnis af sammenstyrtet murbrokker. Alene i stilhed. Måske er det hele et langt digt. Måske er alt hvad jeg skriver ét langt digt. Jeg ved ikke om skrivemaskinen har taget skade. / I dream I am dragging the end of a thin thread through the wilderness of collapsed rubble. Alone in silence. Maybe it's all one long poem. Maybe all I write is one long poem. I don't know if the typewriter is damaged. A painting with collage elements of text and photo. 90 x 64 cm.
Jetzt beginnt endlich die Vorstellung / Now the performance finally begins. Paint and collage with mixed materials. 100 x 50 cm.
Monotypes, A4 size.